
If looks could kill, Scarlett might as well be a walking lethal weapon. Unfortunately for anyone who might cross her, she is aligned with a man beyond capable of inflicting serious damage.

Arriving on NXT with the menacing Karrion Kross, the sinister siren was the voice behind the doomsday duo’s ominous warnings for months, declaring to all on the black-and-gold brand that they couldn’t stop what was unstoppable and that the reckoning was undeniable.

Scarlett and Kross made a major impact in April 2020 by targeting and taking out former NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa. They transfixed the NXT Universe with a spellbinding entrance during their official debut weeks later. More


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Category: WWE NXT Results

NXT Championship Match: Karrion Kross (c) w/Scarlett vs. Johnny Gargano (Special Guest Referee: Samoa Joe)

Gargano attacks Kross before the bell rings. Kross drives Gargano into the corner. Exploder suplex by Kross. Kross lands a vertical suplex. Gargano sends Kross out of the ring. Gargano lands a superkick on the apron. Running cannonball but Gargano. Gargano gloats. Kross gets right back up and boots Gargano in the face. Kross runs shoulder-first into the ring steps. Gargano lands a few strikes. Kross picks up Gargano by his throat and slams home on the announce desk. After the break, Gargano lands a few clotheslines but Kross won’t go down. Enziguri by Gargano. Gargano lands a slingshot spear. Gargano suicide dives Kross into the barricade.

Gargano tries One Final Beat but Kross turns it into a northern lights suplex. Kross rolls into a vertical suplex for a near fall. Gargano blocks the Doomsday Saito. Kross puts Gargano on the top rope.. Kross tries an avalanche Saito but Gargano counters and lands on top of Kross. Kross tries a slam but Gargano reverses it into a DDT for a near fall. Kross lands a nasty chokeslam. Gargano lands a superkick. Kross almost locks in the Kross Jacket. Gargano turns into thee Gargano Escape. Kross reverses it into the Kross Jacket. Gargano starts to fade. Gargano manages to get to the ropes. Kross refuses to break the hold. Joe pushes Kross away. Joe and Kross get in each other’s face.

Gargano rolls out of the ring. Kross slams Gargano’s head into the barricade over and over again. Kross tries to hit Gargano with the ringsteps. Joe pulls them away. Joe and Kross argue. Gargano lands a sliding DDT. Gargano rolls Kross back into the ring. Gargano hits One Final Beat. Kross kicks out. Kross blasts Gargano with an elbow strike. Kross proceeds to hit three powerbombs in a row follows by a Doomsday Saito. Kross loads up and hits another running elbow to the back of Gargano’s head. Kross pins Gargano.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Karrion Kross!

After the match, Kross locks Joe in the Kross Jacket.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: July 24th 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

The Way vs. Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan

Theory and Gargano work over Lorcan. Dunne gets the hot tag and clears the ring. After a bit of back and forth, Gargano manages to hit a suicide tornado DDT on Dunne outside the ring. Gargano drops Lorcan with One Final Beat for the win.

Winners- The Way

Karrion Kross attacks Gargano from behind.

Backstage, Kross and Scarlett run into Samoa Joe. Kross reminds Joe he can’t do anything unless provoked. Kross and Scarlett walk away. Joe turns around and Pete Dunne is standing there. Joe and Dunne stare daggers at each other.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: June 23rd 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

NXT General Manager William Regal walks down to the ring. The crowd breaks into a “please don’t leave” chant. Regal says he has been with NXT since day one. Regal is already emotional. Regal recounts his favorite memories in NXT. Regal starts to cry. Regal thanks the NXT Universe for supporting the brand. Regal decided that with the chaos that has been going on here, he realizes that he has given everything that he has. Karrion Kross and Scarlett interrupt. Kross is laughing on his way to the ring.

Kross says they always knew this day would come but they just didn’t know when. They had to come out here and see it and feel it for themselves. Kross asks Regal if he is crying. Kross tells Regal he is pathetic. Kross says he punched a hole through the Mount Rushmore of NXT. Regal must know that Kross can control this place with chaos. Kross demands that Regal say he was right. Kross yells for Regal to say Kross conquers all. Samoa Joe’s music hits. Kross looks concerned. Joe says he believes Mr. Regal wanted to speak to him. Regal said, yes, but not here but since Joe is here,  Regal offers Joe the role of General Manager of NXT. Joe says absolutely not. Joe says he’ll explain. Regal made NXT everything it is today. Joe says Regal cast a long shadow so it would be difficult to fill his shoes.

Joe says he won’t be General Manager but he can ensure that everyone gives Regal the respect he deserves. Regal says he will take Joe up on his offer, but he has some conditions. Joe can’t be an active competitor and Joe can’t lay a hand on the talent unless provoked. Joe agrees and they shake hands. Joe says that just leaves one last question. Joe gets in Kross’ face and says, “What are you still doing in this ring? Tik Toc, young champion.” Kross backs off.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: June 23rd 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

Backstage Karrion Kross says his opponents don’t have to wait for Sunday for him to flatline each of them.

Regal hits the ring and says this isn’t happening. Kross doesn’t run NXT. Kross says Regal doesn’t run anything. Regal lost control long ago. Kross isn’t moving until O’Reilly, Cole, Gargano, and Dunne come to the ring and get destroyed. O’Reilly interrupts. Gargano walks out and tells Kross he should go choke out O’Reilly. Dunne walks out and says he’s tired of talk and after Sunday he won’t just be the baddest man in NXT, he’ll be the NXT Champion. Cole appears on the ‘Tron and says Kross is scared to face him one-on-one.

Cole isn’t there because he doesn’t have to be. O’Reilly slaps Kross. Kross attacks O’Reilly. A huge brawl breaks out.  Kross suplexes everyone, including security. Kross poses with the title Cole appears behind Kross and superkicks him in the back of the head. Kross drops to his knee. Cole superkicks him again. Cole hits The Last Shot. Cole picks up the title and poses with it.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: June 15th 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

NXT Championship Match: Karrion Kross (c) w/Scarlett vs Finn Bálor

After a quick exchange, Bálor sends Kross tumbling out of the ring. Kross lets his emotions get the better of him, as he angrily slams his firsts on the ring apron. After the break, Kross bodyslamms Bálor. Bálor stumbles to the corner. Kriss clotheslines Bálor in the corner. Kross suplexes Bálor out of the corner. Bálor reverses a clothesline into an abdominal stretch. Bálor pounds on Kross’ ribs. Kross falls to the mat. Kross drives Bálor into the corner. Kross lands a series of elbows to Bálor’s back. Kross gets a running start and kicks Bálor in his back. Bálor rolls Kross into a crossface.

Kross escapes but Bálor lands a leaping double stomp. Kross sends Bálor out of the ring. Bálor surprises Kross with a PK on the apron. After the break, Kross Oklahoma stampedes Bálor. Bálor goes for a pin but Kross kicks out at one. Bálor double legs Kross and lands another double stomp but Kross grabs Bálor and locks him in the Kross Jacket. Bálor manages to get to the ropes. Bálor rolls out of the ring. Kross slams Bálor into the barricade over and over again. Kross sends Bálor into the barricade with a Razor’s Edge. Bálor surprises Kross with a DDT.

Bálor clotheslines Kross over the top rope. Bálor lands a dive. Kross pops right back up to his feet. Kross grabs Bálor and suplexes him on the announce desk. Kross sends Bálor back in the ring. Bálor catches Kross with a  few kicks as he is getting back in the ring. Shotgun dropkick by Bálor. Bálor lands another double stomp. Bálor goes for the Coup de Grâce but Kross moves out of the way. Kross hits a suplex. Doomsday Saito by Kross. Kross tries his patented running elbow strike but Bálor reverses it into another abdominal stretch.

Kross escapes and rains down elbows to the back of Bálor’s head. Bálor reverses and unloads on the back of Kross’ head with elbow after elbow. Bálor puts Kross in a rear-naked choke. Bálor transitions into a triangle. Kross starts to fade. Kross fires up and powerbomb his way out of the hold. Kross lands his running elbow to the back of Bálor’s head. Kross stomps the back of Bálor’s head. Kross  puts Bálor in the Kross Jacket. Bálor passes out.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Karrion Kross!

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: May 26th 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

Karrion Kross  w/Scarlett vs. Austin Theory w/Johnny Gargano

Theory and Gargano stand outside the ring. Theory doesn’t want to get in the ring. Gargano tells Theory he’s got this and basically pushes him into the ring. Theory gets in the ring and lands a few strikes. Theory dropkicks Kross but it has no effect. Kross hits a  big boot. Kross tosses  Theory clear across the ring. Theory avoids a spear in the corner. Theory tries a clothesline that has no effect on Kross either. Kross almost decapitated Theory with a lariat. Suplex by Kross. Kross sets up a Doomsday Saito. Gargano gets on the apron to distract Kross. Theory pokes Kross in the eye.

Theory sends Kross into the barricade. Theory works over Kross.  Theory lands a fallaway slam. Kross pops up to his feet and hits a nasty Doomsday Saito. Kross picks Theory up off the mat and hits another. Kross lands a nasty running elbow to the back of Theory’s head. Kross mounts Theory in front of Gargano and rains down elbow shots to Theory’s head. Theory isn’t moving. Kross locks Theory in the Kross Jacket. The referee immediately rings the bell.

Winner- Karrion Kross

Gargano helps Theory up the rant. Kross and Scarlett glared at them from the ring. The camera pans to the left and Finn Bálor is standing right behind Kross. Kross turns around and locks eyes with Bálor. Bálor says he doesn’t wait in lines. Bálor wants his rematch. Kross says he wants it to. Bálor says it’s done.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: May 22nd 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

In-Ring Segment: Karrion Kross and Scarlett

Kross said he tried to make it crystal clear that all you have to do is step up. Instead, he was met with people saying they aren’t afraid of him. Well, he isn’t afraid of them either. Kross says he doesn’t have to prove anyone wrong. It’s up to the locker room to prove themselves right. Kross says next week he’s going to dive-bomb Austin Theory on his head. Kyle O’Reilly interrupts. O’Reilly says he gets why Kross thinks everyone should be afraid of him. O’Reilly says he’s here to tell Kross to his face that he isn’t afraid of him. O’Reilly says this is the match he wants and he thinks this is the match Kross wants too. Pete Dunne walks out on the stage. Dunne asks if they’re having a laugh. Dunne doesn’t care about O’Reilly or that Kross is champion.

Dunne says he’s the baddest man in NXT and he dares either one of them to prove him wrong. Dunne dares them to prove him wrong. Finn Bálor power walks to the ring. Bálor says he’s been there and done that with O’Reilly and Dunne. Bálor decks Kross. A brawl between all four men breaks out. Security breaks up the fight. Kross destroys a security guard with a Doomsday Saito. Gargano and Theory attack Kross from behind. Kross suplexes Theory. Gargano superkicks Kross. Kross grabs Gargano by the throat. Theory superkicks Kross. Gargano and Theory double superkick Kross.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: May 22nd 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

In-Ring Segment: Killer Kross and Scarlett

Kross says he told us that time always comes full circle. It was only a matter of time before he had his title back. Kross says Finn Bálor is one of the greatest of all time. Kross says he is in command of NXT until he says so. Kross says no one is going to outwrestle him and NXT has some of the hungriest superstars on the planet, but Kross is the hungriest. If someone wants the NXT championship they can come and get it.  Kross will fold every single one of them. In the end, everyone pays the toll.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: April 21st 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

NXT Championship Match: Finn Bálor (c) vs. Karrion Kross w/Scarlett

Kross and Bálor lock up. Kross slams Bálor face first. Kross mocks Bálor. Bálor smiles. Bálor locks in an armbar. Kross knee Bálor in the gut. Bálor laughs it off. Bálor locks in a side headlock. Kross tries to send Bálor into the ropes but Bálor holds on. Bálor lands a leg kick. Kross laughs it off. Bálor lands another leg kick followed by a chop. Kross grabs Bálor and tosses him clear across the ring. Bálor hops up to his feet. Bálor has a huge smile on his face. Bálor stretches before walking up to Bálor and slapping him in the face. Kross lets out a guttural scream. Kross lifts Bálor up and drives him into the corner. Kross beats down Bálor in the corner.

Kross tries a spear but Bálor moves out of the way. Kross crashes into the ring post, shoulder first. Bálor locks Kross in an armbar. Bálor sits all his weight on Kross’ shoulder. Kross fires up and sits Bálor up in the tree of woe. Kross almost drives his knee through Bálor. Before Kross can continue his assault, Bálor rolls him into a modified cross-arm breaker. Kross rolls through and lifts Bálor off the mat. Bálor manages to adjust and hits an armDT. Kross gets caught up in the ropes. Bálor unloads on Kross’ gut. Kross lifts Bálor and lands two Oklahoma Stampedes. Kross tries a third but Bálor counters and hits the final cut. Kross fires up and hits a northern lights suplex. Kross rolls through and hits a powerbomb. Bálor kicks out. Kross is clutching at his gut. Kross calls for the Saito Suplex but Bálor traps him in a guillotine. Double stomp by Bálor. Bálor locks Kross in an abdominal stretch.

Bálor surprises Kross with the sling blade. Bálor calls for the shotgun dropkick. Kross explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Doomsday Saito suplex by Kross. Kross sets up the running elbow. Bálor counter with the Pelé kick. Bálor hits multiple shotgun dropkicks. Bálor hits the Coup de Gras. Kross kicks out and immediately locks in the Cross Jacket. Bálor rolls through to escape. Double stomp by Bálor. Bálor lands a PK. Bálor locks Kross in a seated abdominal stretch. Kross and Scarlett lock eyes. Kross breaks the hold and unloads on Bálor with elbow after elbow to the back of Bálor’s head. Bálor looks to be out. Kross deadlift German suplexes Bálor. Kross hits another Saito suplex. Bálor stumbles to the ropes. Kross hits a running elbow to the back of Bálor’s head. Bálor stumbles to his feet. Kross hits another running elbow. This one crosses Bálor’s eyes. Bálor is out cold. Kross pins Bálor.

Winner and NEW NXT Champion, Karrion Kross!

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: April 14th 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results

Karrion Kross w/Scarlett vs. Oney Lorcan

Lorcan attacks Kross as soon as the bell rings. Kross tosses Lorcan into the corner. Lorcan and Kross trade shots. Kross launches Lorcan out of the ring. Kross sends Lorcan into the barricade. Lorcan tries a suplex but Kross reverses it into a suplex of his own. Kross sends Lorcan back into the ring. Lorcan lights Kross up with a nasty knife edge chop. Dropkick by Lorcan. Lorcan lands a running uppercut in the corner.

Lorcan tries another but Kross explodes out of the corner with a lariat. After the break, Kross hits an exploder suplex. Lorcan fires up and sends Kross into the post. Lorcan hits an armDDT. Kross is clutching at his arm, He’s hurt. Lorcan lands chop after chop. Kross yells in Lorcan’s face. Lorcan hits a running European uppercut. Kross sidesteps Lorcan’s blockbuster attempt. Kross floors Lorcan with a big boot. Kross obliterates Lorcan with a Doomsday Saito. Kross blasts Lorcan with an elbow strike to the back of the head. Kross pins Lorcan.

Winner- Karrion Kross

Kross grabs a mic and says he’s going to destroy Finn Bálor. Bálor walks down to the ring. Bálor stands over Lorcan, who is laid out by the ramp. Bálor steps over Lorcan. Bálor says Kross showed him his weakness last week. Bálor didn’t become who he is today until he cut off his emotions. Kross still fights with emotion. That makes Kross vulnerable. Bálor is going to push Kross to the brink. Bálor thinks that at TakeOver, Kross’ emotions will get the better of him. Bálor is going to drag Kross into the deep water and drown him, with no emotion.

 Posted by: scarlettadmin
 Date: March 25th 2021
 Categories: WWE NXT Results